We know that as a Drupal beginner you want to take out the most of Drupal Dev Days. In order to enjoy the event fully, here you have some tips.
Mentoring rooms
In these rooms, you can ask for advice or tips to your ‘mentor’, expert developers in Drupal who may show you how to solve problems or start to use Drupal. Expert developers might give keys about Drupal and show beginners how contribute with the Drupal community.
In order to contribute with Drupal’s growth, you can participate in Sprints in an issue or in a project, next to an expert developer. During Drupal Dev Days, there are many sprints scheduled, so you might come and collaborate with hundreds of other Drupal community members.
A good way to introduce yourself in Drupal is going to workshops where you can learn what is drupal.org issue queue, coding standards, and how to work on issues. Also, you will discover how to find interesting issues and how to write and review patches.
Networking and friendship
Experienced Drupal developers already meet well-known people on Drupal, and this kind of events give you the opportunity to meet them too. Drupal Dev Days is a great chance to meet in depth other beginner or expert Drupal developers and feel as a part of this marvellous community.