A lot of times, Drupal developers talk about the importance of Drupal events but, are they so important? They are, indeed. At this kind of events, people work closely to make improvements in Drupal and they work together to achieve the same aim: getting a better CMS.
So, the importance, to your employees of going to these events, consists of being updated and knowing, before everybody else, what is going on.
We give you five reasons to send your employees to participate in this event.
- They will be able to know how to work better with Drupal in order to make your business more competitive.
- They will be able to progress to the future: they will know the latest news about Drupal 8.
- They will meet other colleagues in order to check their opinions about different topics.
- You will be able to promote loyalty. This way, your employees will check that your commitment is real.
- In order to strengthen the Drupal Community something that will allow your business to work and prosper.