Responsive testing in Drupal

Óscar Castaño Calle

Nowadays, making your Drupal responsive is a must but, what about testing it? Ensuring that the theme works as it should for end users is the key of everything.

In this workshop you will see how knowing JS the responsive testing can be done for big browsers, tables, phablets and mobile devices screens with a low effort and a high impact on the quality of our product.

You will learn about writing responsive tests and, for sure, you will enjoy and learn.

We could choose together a Drupal product to test in realtime and you will see how creating that kind of tests couldn't be easier!

To make this session more useful for the attendants, it would be nice if they already had installed some ionic related basic software such as:

  • node and npm (optional yarn)
  • Galen Frarmework through npm

This is the repo with the tutorial we've been following.

And here are the slides of the presentation

Platinum sponsors

  • ibuildings

Gold sponsors

  • comvive
  • Cocomore
  • Drupalera

Silver sponsors

Bronze sponsors